Thursday, November 17, 2005


Turkeys beware

So I haven't been here in a while so I don't expect anyone to read this; which, in actuality, is quite alright because it is directed to the random poultry who have taken home on Runyan Dr. Firstly, Marty. You should really watch your tail feathers. People around here might mistake you for a turkey. Secondly, there are about three "wild" chickens who wander around the street. Watch out, people might want chicken for Thanksgiving. To the one super annoying very random rooster that cockadoodledoos at me at 8am while I'm going to my car: you better watch it because you're starting to bug me like a billy who bites my ankles. We might just make you a center piece at the table. To the wild seem at the time being you're safe. People around here are far too stupid to distinguish between you and grits.
Chattanooga poultry, you have been warned.

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