Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Spring Break 2006

Crazy times, let me tell ya. I decided since I had no money to travel to a warm destination, a warm destination had to come to me. It was upper 70's/lower 80's pretty much everyday here. The only downside to that was that I was inside all day everyday working (refer back to sentence 2). I now feel like I'm a little behind on my tanning schedule, but with spring football starting yesterday, I'm sure I'll be caught up in no time. I did however have time to bond with some of the local roosters and let them know that it is NOT okay to play in the Pizza Hut parking lot or to cockadoodledoo at like Three O'Clock in the afternoon. I think it went well, we made some real progress. On the flip side of that, I had a very psychotic cat staying in my apartment...I'm still doing recon work on my toilet paper to say the least. I did make enough money to pay rent and most of my credit card bill this past week though. That was nice. I don't know if anyone ever told you, but those credit cards are evil. You just hand people this little bit of plastic and you can get whatever you want. What they don't tell you is that you have to pay ALL of it back...and if you don't do it in time, you have to pay more! Bastards.
Now that spring break is over, it is 40-something degrees and raining outside. Awesome. All that means to me is...nap time. Over and out.

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