Thursday, June 23, 2005


Church Anyone?

Now that I'm back on a college campus, taking classes and such, I've gotten back into my habit of putting on the headphones, walking arms crossed and head down. Don't ask me why, just habit I guess. So this morning I decided to take a look around this new place I've contracted myself to for the next two years.
A few things are immediately noticeably different. First of all, in the grand tradition of my college life, and I am most certainly not exaggerating here, I live on the opposite corner of campus. Always have, and I guess for as long as I will live on any campus setting, always will. Nevertheless, as opposed to the 25 minutes it took to walk across the UW campus, it now only takes me 10 minutes; very do-able and a blessing for 8am classes everyday.
Secondly, this might be the deadest summer campus I've ever seen. Even Whatcom Community College with its grand student population of about 6,000 is more alive during the summer. Very odd, but it is nice to currently park on the sidewalk across from class for free. Not sure that will be an option during the school year, even at 8am.
Thirdly, and I'm amazed that it took me this long to realize this, in the maybe 5 block length of my daily journey to school, there are 6 churches. All of them located on campus (not sure how that's legal) and all of them fairly large, multiple stories. The first intersection I get to, McCallie and Douglas, is the only stoplight in my path. As I looked up to see what all these brick buildings actually were, three corners of this intersection were churches, churches bigger than many of the school buildings. Ironically enough, the fourth corner was the bursar's office. Three churches and hell all sitting together.
As I began count of churches on campus on my way to class, I also begin to realize that although there are many parking lots on campus. I like this idea until I see that just as there are an inordinate amount of churches, many of these parking lots belong strictly to these churches. A few may allow UTC parking from 8-5 M-F; however, if you happen to park even fifteen minutes past five, they will lock you into the parking lot and you must then pay the parking ticket fee for a Campus Cop to let you out (I've seen it happen). Cutthroat much? When a city has more churches than Lynden, WA, you know something's a little off.
Nice Blaine-style usage of the word much...

I'm glad that the Holy Spirit got around to telling at least some of the churches to let people park in their lots from 8-5 on days they don't use them... Church, unfortunatly has become a business for too many. Check out the article on Benny Hinn on BBC. What a whack! What happened to real religion. You know, the kind that is not taken primarily from televison or the internet?

I want you to passively observe if there are any real Christians in the south. I'm not talking about people who wear their WWJD bracelets while they go out on a date with their girlfriend to the bar. I'm talking about people who know something about scriptural exegesis, ancient semetic and greek, and actually believe and practice what they know, AFTER having attained some knowledge, knowledge that is equal to or greater than their knowledge of television programs and professional sports.

It would be interesting...
okay... This blog is getting old.

Lets have a new post please.
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